
Adventist Education Website Relaunch

hen was the last time you spent any kind of time perusing the Adventist Education website?  Did you know that even a quick visit could help increase your enrollment or give you a “pick me up” on those days when you wonder why you’re doing what you’re doing?  Yes—the newly updated and reimagined can do all that and more.  After months of concentrated research, writing, and redesign, the NADOE officers are eager for educators to explore every aspect of this retooled vehicle for drawing potential parents and students to the Adventist school that fits and suits their needs—yours!  The site is also the perfect place to discover a multitude of materials for marketing your school and Adventist education to churches and communities, locate hundreds of resources for curriculum and programming, find inspiration for becoming or remaining a teacher in the Adventist school system, and explore job openings in Adventist schools across the NAD.






But there’s more.  This new iteration is including many behind-the-scenes back-end improvements that will make the site more user friendly and easier to navigate.  These upgrades include, but are not limited to:

  • An Educator’s Corner integrating an all-inclusive search engine which reaches all sites and content within the Adventist Education digital landscape
  • Centralized resource management
  • Consistent navigation across all of Adventist Education websites
  • Customizable dashboards for users based on subject and role
  • Secure content through a single sign-on application providing access to authorized content and functionality (available to all North American Division entities)
  • Targeted content and functionality for specific user groups


Not only that, but the site will offer a series of inspirational stories of educators called Voices, parent and student testimonies, and a completely redesigned Find-a-School page with profiles and key data about every Adventist school in the North American Division.


When was the last time you found your way to the Adventist Education website?  Make it sooner than later.  Share it with your parents and students—current and potential.  Share it with your church and community.  Share it with your friends or family members who are thinking about going into Adventist education.  And keep coming back yourself.  There is something for everyone—especially you!


Coming Soon!

Look for a completely redesigned Find-a-School module with profiles and key data about all of our NAD Adventist schools.

If you are a school administrator or marketing director and have not submitted your content yet, don't wait!

NAD Director of Technology for Education

Submit Now

Updates to the new site are being released progressively throughout the next several months.

Launch site

Fall 2022

Growing up, Callie Allen knew she wanted to be a teacher—that is, she says, after realizing that being a mermaid wasn’t a viable career.



Anthems of adventist educators

Callie Allen

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