H. Stephen Bralley, M.Ed.
Director of Secondary Education, North American Division
he NAD assists the world church by chairing one to two accreditation visits per year at Adventist American language schools around the world. Leaving North American Division Year-end meetings to go to Nile Union Academy this week reminds me that the North American Division has a broader impact and mission, the world church relies on our expertise and guidance. Much of the Adventist Education curriculum worldwide originates in the North American Division. Curriculum often built or influenced by classroom teachers from across the North American Division.
While we work in the mission fields at home, I hope we continue to remember a larger mission too. While we as educators remember that larger mission; I encourage you to find ways to expand the horizons of mission for your students, not only location, but scope. We must continue to seek new ways to minister, new methods, new locations and opening the doors to young people to lead.
The temptation is to believe we operate in scarcity, becoming increasingly conservative, constricted and insular. But we serve a God of abundance, that should compel us to become innovative, open, and adventurous.
Serving a God of Abundance