Julie and Richard Kamieneski

Fifty Years Each for Dedicated Adventist Educators

On Sabbath, October 15, 2022, the Amesbury church in Amesbury, MA, celebrated 100 years of supporting their church school, and 50 years of service, each, for Julie and Richard Kamieneski. Past and present students shared stories of their school days. Current to third generation families took part in musical renditions.

Southern New England Conference, the Amesbury Church, and the school families shared their gratitude and admiration for Mr. and Mrs. Kamieneski. Each was asked to state why they continue to serve as educators in the Adventist school system.


Richard (Dick); Mr. K:

His significant influence came from his family who encouraged church involvement in Pathfinders, youth meetings, church socials, and four years attending church school in grades five through eight.

His father was a sports enthusiast. He encouraged Dick and his twin brother to major in physical education in college. Dick attended Atlantic Union College (AUC) for two years where he met his wife, Julie. He moved to Loma Linda University to complete his degree. During his Loma Linda years, he was able to coach students, instruct swimming classes, and oversee other athletic activities.

Julie’s practical yet skilled teaching, and passion for her students inspired his commitment to Adventist Education.

Mr. K prefers high school teaching. However, he stated, ”I never felt I was a great teacher, but I had a quiet passion for the students and their life’s choices. Teaching the elementary students has given me a greater commitment.”

“Like my wife always tells me, ‘You are now in the real world of teaching. These younger students look up to you and it is an awesome responsibility to prepare them not just for this world but for our heavenly kingdom.’ I am so glad God has given me the ability to lead His children to a closer walk with Him.”


Julie; Mrs. K:

Mrs. K began playing the piano in church at approximately ten years old, encouraged by her mother to “play for the glory of God.” Her church family also influenced her perspective in using “God-given talents for His service.”

Julie first experienced formal Adventist Education as a student at AUC, where she met Mr. K. She knew when she decided to attend AUC that she wanted to serve God through working in elementary education. She states that over the years, she has seen the fruits of her labor. Her former students have chosen careers in God’s service: teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, and scientists. She has been privileged to teach first-, second- and now third-generation students.

“Last year, a second-generation student ran out of the school, the first day, and told his grandmother, who picked him up, ‘Grammy, this is a Jesus School!’”

“Another experience, a father of my second-generation, said to me, ‘I switched my career as a nurse, so I could have the flexibility to drive my children to this school. Nursing hours didn’t give me the flexibility.’”

Mrs. K concludes, “It’s heartwarming to see my third-generation students and know the influence I had on their parents, and grandparents. They still believe in Christian Education all these years and want the best for their own children. I truly believe as teachers we plant the seed, and the Holy Spirit will convict. ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart.’”

Personally, it has been a privilege to work with Mr. and Mrs. Kamieneski, as their superintendent, during the last five years. Their dedication and love for each student, and their families, is evident. Each classroom is bright and organized for the benefit of student learning. The integration of faith and learning is evident in active teaching and non-verbal communication. Adventist Christian leadership is evident when both are teaching academics or modeling how to respect each other. In addition, they are seriously committed to both their school and church.

At some Christmas programs, Mr. K will decorate the gym wall with artwork that Mrs. K archived through the years. When families attend these programs, they often show their children and grandchildren their past schoolwork.

Dick and Julie are truly wonderful examples of dedicated and committed Adventist educators. They contribute new information and publications to their curriculum to enhance student learning. Above all, they serve their students well through their dedication to our Lord and Savior.

Southern New England Conference gifted these inspiring educators with an engraved crystal vase for Mrs. K and an engraved crystal bowl for Mr. K.



Southern New England Conference

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