ByDesign Biology the Scientific Study of Life is a Christian based high school biology program. This new ByDesign Biology program, considers two popular contrasting worldviews—materialistic Darwinism, which claims that life originated without divine intervention, and biblical theism, which is the belief in the existence of God. Like all worldviews, the Darwinian and biblical worldviews provide a framework for understanding reality—and particularly biology. This new program explores both worldviews while adhering to the principles, beliefs, and high standards of the faith-based educational system.

H. Stephen Bralley, M.Ed.

Director of Secondary Education, North American Division

A Higher Design


n a June 6, 2019, video, Peter Robinson interviewed three prominent scientists who concluded that mathematics makes Darwin's evolutionary theories impossible.  These secular scientists are now struggling with what they believe points to an intentional design in biological life. "There is no reason to doubt that Darwin successfully explained the small adjustments by which an organism adapts to local circumstances. Yet there are many reasons to doubt whether Darwin can answer the hard questions and explain the big picture," says David Gelernter.  He says, "Darwin's biggest issue is molecular biology."

As Adventists, we believe all science of the natural world speaks to the Creator's grand design, and increasingly, the secular scientific world must cling to outdated theories that no longer uphold science.  Almost every science textbook relies on and is based on these failed theories, and an even graver issue is that these texts speak of these failed theories as undeniable "facts."


The Secondary Biology textbook ByDesign Biology was created by the North American Division Office of Education in cooperation with Kendall-Hunt, and in 2020, it was launched.  Science teachers can now confidently use a textbook that appropriately places the theories of materialistic Darwinism and biblical theism in the proper context.  With all the issues of 2020, the NADOE is relaunching the promotion of ByDesign Biology.

Summer 2024

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