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IT Security & Data Privacy Consultant Network Paladin: General Conference of SDA Technical DPO
hile technology has been a blessing to keep academic learning progressing during mandated times of social distancing and required isolation, what has its impact been on us and the students we serve?
This is one of the topics we covered in a three-hour workshop for teachers in the Carolina Conference. We looked at some research just released on the physical and mental impacts on students as well as covered some steps to securing mobile devices. We also discussed some research from a sampling of SDA youth about their use and thoughts on technology. There are several step-by-step guides for teachers and parents located on the listed google drive below. We reviewed the addictive nature of mobile apps and recommend all teachers watch “The Social Dilemma,” a documentary on this topic. The power point linked below has volumes of notes and research underneath many of the slides.
How is Zoom and Hybrid Digital Education Impacting us - What do students think?
Questions or Comments? Contact Ernest Staats at:
Summer 2021