TDEC is Here to Serve!
ow many of you know what TDEC is? TDEC stands for Technology and Distance Education Committee. It serves the North American Division PK-12 education system. But - more importantly, do you know who your TDEC rep is? TDEC is co-chaired by Martha Ban, NAD Director for Education and Stephen Bralley, NAD Director for Secondary Education/Accreditation. Membership consists of one representative from each of the nine unions of the North American Division along with a representative from Griggs International Academy, and the North American Division IT Services.
The group meets regularly to discuss new technologies, explore distance education programs and protocols, approve preferred vendors, aggregate technological resources, and create sample technology-related documents for schools - just to name a few of the responsibilities.
Explore what TDEC is doing for you on our Adventist Education technology website (http://tdec.nadeducation.org/). You will find information on Britannica, Visual Thesaurus, technology plan templates, technology discounts, professional development opportunities, and so much more! Reach out to your TDEC rep for more information.
Helpful Links
Click to view TDEC Team
Winter ’22