he Adventist Learning Community (ALC) is the NAD's official online platform for continuing education and offers hundreds of free courses and resources designed specifically for teachers, pastors and members.  Some of the newest CEU courses available for teachers include:  Coaching Distinctively Adventist Sports, Adventist Robotics, and five Adventist Teacher Certification courses. Additionally, by completing our new Encouter Bible Curricula courses, teachers can receive certification to teach in both Primary and Secondary specialties.

In August 2018, the ALC was present at the NAD Teachers' Convention in Chicago.   Hundreds of teachers visited the ALC booth and many took home great prizes.  In addition to sharing information about courses and resources available on the platform, ALC also filmed numerous breakout sessions during the Convention.  These videoed sessions will be available as a resource on ALC and will provide the opportunity for teachers to be able to watch sessions they weren't able to attend.

If you’re interested in improving your teaching practice, need CEU credits, or require one of several educational related certifications, please visit isit us at www.adventistlearningcommunity.com and find free courses to help you achieve your professional learning goals.

By Paola Franco-Oudri and Adam Fenner


Adventist Learning Community


Director, Adventist
Learning Community



fall 2018