THE ENCOUNTER BIBLE SERIES is a gift that keeps on giving. We are now approaching the 8th year of its introduction into the North American Division Adventist School System. This innovative Bible curriculum has been a blessing to students, teachers, and families. One parent said, “We are thankful for a Bible program that captures the imagination of my son.” A student commented, “I enjoy group activities that allow me to share my love for Jesus with others.” Then, a new teacher-graduate opined, “I am looking forward to teaching Bible with all of its resources and activities.” As noted in much of the literature, the Encounter Bible pedagogy invites students into a lifelong, vibrant relationship with Jesus, using the Bible as the textbook, sharing a distinctly Seventh-day Adventist worldview, and incorporating what we know about best educational practices.
While the Adventist Encounter Bible Curriculum was generated specifically for use in Adventist schools in Australia, New Zealand, and the North American Division, interest from other Divisions has increased. This has required the formation of an International Encounter Steering Committee. This committee meets quarterly for the purpose of beginning dialogue with educators by asking a few simple questions to gauge their interest, desire, and the feasibility of Encounter Bible being successful in their context. They also discuss how to best train educators in their context and how to best provide needed resources and materials. To date, Encounter Bible is now being adopted in the Euro-Asia Division, Inter-American Division, Korean Union Conference, Middle East and North Africa Union, Chinese Union Mission, Myanmar Union Mission, Southeast Asia Union Mission, and Hong Kong-Macao Conference.
As these partnerships and collaborations continue across the World Church, it warms my heart to know that the goal of Adventist educators, globally, encourages disciple-making, providing a space for learners to put their beliefs into practice in their own lives while sharing their faith and serving others.
Jesus shares, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6 (NIV). My prayer is that in this everchanging world, NAD Adventist Education be a constant, as it continues to focus on Bible beliefs and remain true to its core values. May each classroom be a place where transformation, and not just information, is our objective!
Arne Nielsen, PhD
Vice President of Education
Arne Nielsen, PhD
Vice President of Education
The Encounter Bible pedagogy invites students into a lifelong, vibrant relationship with Jesus ...