he relationship between destination and journey should be obvious, but it often isn’t. As modern transportation sped up travel in the last century it became all about getting somewhere fast. In the 20th century we became enamored with the car, and lost sight of its purpose, getting us to our destination. Variations of a humorous tale of family travel that emerged in that era would end with a defensive husband, after being accused by his wife of being lost again, saying “we may be lost, but we’re making good time!”
In thinking and talking about technology, which is progressing at a dizzying pace and taking us all along for the ride, this same line seems to fit. Often, we don’t have a clear idea of where we’re going or why, but we’re going there fast! New technology is transforming how we live and learn, but few seem able to explain our destination. To what purpose are we adopting new digital devices?
Technological innovation is just one example of things that can distract and disrupt our clear purpose for Adventist education. Are you certain about what adds direction and helpful momentum to our journey? What keeps us on course? Are you clear about the purpose of our journey?
It is one of Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Begin With the End in Mind. Conversations about the destination of our lives and our ministry in Adventist education require vision and imagination. It requires that you be still, be thoughtful, and envision what you cannot see with your eyes. It is expressed in goals and mission statements. Failure to orient and reorient regularly on our learning journey may leave us making good time but not getting us to the end goal of Christ-centered learning.
Changes in personnel, programs, and professional expectations, whether big, small, or technical, can be managed most successfully when we clearly keep the end in mind, the “why!”
St Paul’s Cathedral of London was designed by Sir Christopher Wren and completed in 1710 after nearly four decades of construction. On the job site one day Wren was walking among the artisans unrecognized by the workforce. He asked a workman: “What are you doing?” “I am cutting stone, sir” the craftsman replied. A short time later Wren asked the same question of a second worker. The response was, “I am earning five shillings two pence a day as a stonecutter.” When Wren asked a third workman the same question, the man answered, “I am helping Sir Christopher Wren build a magnificent cathedral to the glory of God.”
We need cathedral visionaries! We must recognize that we are part of something grand and significant. We may not need any more cathedrals, but we do need cathedral thinkers—people who can think beyond the work of today, even beyond their own lifetime. Adventist educators are among those who work daily for a result that they rarely realize during their lifetime. Leading students to encounter Jesus and commence a journey to eternity require consecrated vision and clear purpose.
Captured by the demands and details of our daily tasks, it’s easy to forget where we are headed and keep the end in mind. How do we recapture the high calling and eternal value when we are in the “stone-cutting” phase of redeeming a beautiful young person for the kingdom? As I ponder what it takes to be a cathedral builder, I hear the echo of Paul’s words in Phil 3:13-14, “Dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this ONE thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Dennis L Plubell
Interim Vice President for Education
Begin with the End in Mind
Are you certain about what adds direction and helpful momentum to our journey? What keeps us on course? Are you clear about the purpose of our journey?
Clear purpose helps us navigate all kinds of change!
Work energetically, seeking excellence in everything, because you have a clear view of eternity and the end of this age.
Spring 2025